

The “gg” in ggplot2 stands for the “Grammar of Graphics.” The grammar of graphics is a philosophy of data visualization which forces you to think about what you want to visualize how. Hadley Wickham followed this philosophy to implement the ggplot2 package.

The anatomy of a ggplot2 plot

The grammar of graphics specifies building blocks out of which an analyst builds a plot. These include, in the order of application:

  1. Data (what do you want to plot?)
  2. Aesthetic mapping (what comes on the x and y axes? )
  3. Geometric object (geoms) (How do we want to see our data? Points, lines, bars, …)
  4. Add more geoms (e.g. add regression lines to a scatterplot)
  5. Polish labels, scales, legends, and appearance.

(see this link for more details)

class: inverse background-image: url(“Ninja-header.svg_opacity1.png”) background-size: contain

Useful tips from the dataviz ninja

  1. Think hard about what you want to visualize!

“Think of graphs as comparison” - Andrew Gelman

ggplot2 building blocks

Let’s look at the ggplot2 building blocks in practice:

library(gapminder) # loads the gapminder data
library(tidyverse) # loads ggplot2 and other packages

example_plot <- ggplot(data = gapminder, # specify which dataset to use
                       aes(x = year, # what goes on the x axis?
                           y = lifeExp )) + # what's on the y axis?
  geom_point() # with which geometric object should the data be displayed?

Note the + that ties the building blocks together.

ggplot2 building blocks


Aesthetics - Size


example_plot <- ggplot(data = gapminder, 
                       aes(x = year,  # the aes() function defines aesthetics
                           y = lifeExp, 
                           size = gdpPercap)) + # map the aesthetic 'size' to gdp/pc

# print(example_plot)

Aesthetics - Size


Aesthetics II - Color


example_plot <- ggplot(data = gapminder, 
                       # the aes() function defines aesthetics
                       aes(x = year,  # x axis
                           y = lifeExp, # y axis
                           color = continent, # map color to continent
                           size = gdpPercap)) + # map the aesthetic 'size' to gdp/pc

Aesthetics II - Color


class: inverse background-image: url(“Ninja-header.svg_opacity1.png”) background-size: contain

Useful tips from the dataviz ninja

  1. Think hard about what you want to visualize!

  2. Don’t use too many aesthetics - just use those that help you clarify your comparison! > “When ggplot successfully makes a plot but the result looks insane, the reason is almost always that something has gone wrong in the mapping between the data and aesthetics for the geom being used” - Kieran Healy



example_plot <- ggplot(data = gapminder, 
                       aes(x = year, 
                           y = lifeExp)) +
  geom_line() # lines instead of points


Whoops! What happened here?




example_plot <- ggplot(data = gapminder, 
                       aes(x = year, 
                           y = lifeExp, 
                           group = country)) +  # tell ggplot2 which 
                                                # observations belong together



Combining geoms


example_plot <- ggplot(data = gapminder, 
                       aes(x = year, 
                           y = lifeExp)) +  
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") # add regression line

Combining geoms


Combining geoms II


example_plot <- ggplot(data = gapminder, 
                       aes(x = year, 
                           y = lifeExp)) +  
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", 
              color = "firebrick") # fix smoother color

Bonus question: in this example we fix the color, i.e. we map it to a fixed value (firebrick which is red). What happens if we would map color to a variable in the gapminder dataset, such as continent?

Combining geoms II


Manipulate and Preprocess Data

Subsetting/filtering data helps to reduce complexity & get at the comparison that we want. To do that, we use the dplyr package which is part of the tidyverse.

To filter data, we use the filter() function.

library(tidyverse) # loads dplyr package, among others

gapminder_americas <- gapminder %>% # the %>% `chains` together functions
  filter(continent == "Americas") # that's two "=" 

head(gapminder_americas, 5)
## # A tibble: 5 x 6
##   country   continent  year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
##   <fctr>    <fctr>    <int>   <dbl>    <int>     <dbl>
## 1 Argentina Americas   1952    62.5 17876956      5911
## 2 Argentina Americas   1957    64.4 19610538      6857
## 3 Argentina Americas   1962    65.1 21283783      7133
## 4 Argentina Americas   1967    65.6 22934225      8053
## 5 Argentina Americas   1972    67.1 24779799      9443

Manipulate and Preprocess Data

Modify/add variables to existing data frame. We modify data with the mutate() function and chain them together using the pipe operator %>%.

library(tidyverse) # loads dplyr package, among others

gapminder_americas <- gapminder %>% 
  filter(continent == "Americas") %>% 
  # create a character/categorical variable
  # to distinguish between North/South America
  mutate(north_america = ifelse(country == "United States" |
                                  country == "Canada", 
## # A tibble: 3 x 7
##   country   continent  year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap north_america
##   <fctr>    <fctr>    <int>   <dbl>    <int>     <dbl> <chr>        
## 1 Argentina Americas   1952    62.5 17876956      5911 south_america
## 2 Argentina Americas   1957    64.4 19610538      6857 south_america
## 3 Argentina Americas   1962    65.1 21283783      7133 south_america

Manipulate and Preprocess Data

Use filtered and preprocessed data to highlight comparisons in ggplot:

ggplot(gapminder_americas, # only use data for Americas
       aes(x = year, 
           y = gdpPercap, 
           color = north_america)) + # map "north_america" category to color


Plot the development of population size (pop variable in the gapminder data) over time (year variable in the gapminder data) in Asia (hint: continent == "Asia"). Add a trend line and/or smooth line.

Bonus exercise: Plot the relationship between population size pop and gdpPercap! (hint: might make sense to wrap pop and gdpPercap in log()).



gapminder_asia <- gapminder %>% 
  filter(continent == "Asia") 

asia_pop <- ggplot(gapminder_asia, 
                   aes(x = year, y = pop)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")


Walkthrough Exercise


What do we want to visualize?

Think about the data! What is the comparison?

Genocide vs. non-genocide countries => Rwanda vs. rest of Africa


gapminder_africa <- gapminder %>% 
  # filter only African countries
  filter(continent == "Africa") %>% 
  # create a categorical variable that distinguishes
  # between Rwanda and other African countries
  mutate(color_plot = ifelse(country != "Rwanda", # != = "!" + "="
                             "Other African Countries", 

Add geom_line() + map color/alpha

rwanda_plot <- ggplot(gapminder_africa, 
                      aes(x = year, 
                          y = lifeExp, 
                          group = country, 
                          color = color_plot)) + 
  geom_line(aes(alpha = color_plot)) # map alpha to "color_plot" variable     
                                     # ggplot chooses alpha level automatically


Add color/alpha scales

rwanda_plot <- ggplot(gapminder_africa, 
                      aes(x = year, 
                          y = lifeExp, 
                          group = country, 
                          color = color_plot)) + 
  geom_line(aes(alpha = color_plot)) + 
  # we assign colors/alpha values/other "aes" through "scale" functions
  scale_alpha_discrete("", range = c(0.5, 1)) +  
  scale_color_manual("", values = c("lightgrey", "black")) 


Manipulate appearance: add theme

rwanda_plot <- ggplot(gapminder_africa, 
                      aes(x = year, 
                          y = lifeExp, 
                          group = country, 
                          color = color_plot)) + 
  geom_line(aes(alpha = color_plot)) + 
  scale_alpha_discrete("", range = c(0.5, 1)) +  
  scale_color_manual("", values = c("lightgrey", "black")) + 
  # add theme
  theme_bw() + # black and white theme
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", # legend position
        panel.grid = element_blank()) # remove grid lines

Manipulate appearance: add theme


Manipulate appearance: change labels

rwanda_plot <- ggplot(gapminder_africa, 
                      aes(x = year, 
                          y = lifeExp, 
                          group = country, 
                          color = color_plot)) + 
  geom_line(aes(alpha = color_plot)) + 
  scale_alpha_discrete("", range = c(0.5, 1)) +  
  scale_color_manual("", values = c("lightgrey", "black")) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", 
        panel.grid = element_blank()) +
  # labels, captions, and title/subtitle
  labs(x = "", y = "Life Expectancy in Years", 
       title = "The Impact of Genocide on Life Expectancy", 
       subtitle = "Life expectancy for newborns extrapolated from mortality rate in a given year.", 
       caption = " Data source:")

Manipulate appearance: change labels


class: inverse background-image: url(“Ninja-header.svg_opacity1.png”) background-size: contain

Useful tips from the dataviz ninja

  1. Think hard about what you want to visualize!

  2. Don’t use too many aesthetics - just use those that help you clarify your comparison!

  3. Trial and error is your friend!
    > “If you are unsure of what each piece of code does, take advantage of ggplot’s additive character. Working backwards from the bottom up, remove each + some_function(…) statement one at a time to see how the plot changes.” - Kieran Healy