Session 1: Introduction

About me

Pau Palop-Garcia
GIGA Hamburg and Freie Universität zu Berlin

Research interests: migration, political transnationalism, representation

About you

  • Introduce yourself
  • Name
  • Institution
  • Research interests
  • Motivation for the course

Course outline

Time Topic
10.00-10.30 Session 1: Introduction and main goals
10.30-12.00 Session 2: Basics for building an app
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
13.00-14.00 Session 3: Examples I - Scatter plots-
14.00-14.15 Coffee break
14.15-15.30 Session 4: Examples II - Interactive maps-
15.30-16.00 Session 5: Deploying and sharing apps

What is an interactive visualization?

Falta Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015, RStudio, Inc

Session 2: Basics for building an app

Main steps for building an app

  1. Set main goal for the app
  2. Install R Studio and necessary packages (e.g. shiny)
  3. Select visualization
  4. Prepare the data accordignly
  5. Code the app
  6. Deploy and share the app

Some basic examples I

## Warning: package 'shiny' was built under R version 3.4.4
## PhantomJS not found. You can install it with webshot::install_phantomjs(). If it is installed, please make sure the phantomjs executable can be found via the PATH variable.
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Some basic examples II

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Some basic examples II

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Preparing the data

  • Depends on the app
  • General rule: keep it simple

Structure of a ShinyApp

  • A usser interface (ui): controls the app layout
  • A server function (server): contains all the functions needed to build the app
  • A call to the shinyApp function: creates a shiny app that pairs ui and server

Building the simplest app

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Building the simplest app

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Building the simplest app

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc


  • Definition: a web element that users can interact with
  • A way for users to send messages to the Shiny app
  • Widgets are R functions: they required at least two elements to work: a name and a label

Building the simplest app

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Building the simplest app

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015, RStudio, Inc

Building the simplest app

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Building the simplest app

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Reactive outputs

Reactive outputs respond when users toggles a widget
Two main steps: * Add an R object to the user interface * Tell shiny how to build the object in the server function

Building the simplest app

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Source: CC 2015 RStudio, Inc

Session 3: First examples - Scatter plots -

We will use as a baseline the plot that we created in Session 2 of Day 1. Remmember?


example_plot <- ggplot(data = gapminder, 
                       # the aes() function defines aesthetics
                       aes(x = year,  # x axis
                           y = lifeExp, # y axis
                           color = continent, # map color to continent
                           size = gdpPercap)) + # map the aesthetic 'size' to gdp/pc

… We can make it interactive


ui <- fluidPage(
  selectInput("continent", "Select continent", 
              choices = list("Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania")), 
server <- function(input, output) {
  output$gpoint <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(data = subset(gapminder, continent == input$continent, select = c(country:gdpPercap)), 
           # the aes() function defines aesthetics
           aes(x = year,  # x axis
               y = lifeExp, # y axis
               color = continent, # map color to continent
               size = gdpPercap)) + # map the aesthetic 'size' to gdp/pc

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 500))
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… Let’s make it a bit more complicated


ui <- fluidPage(
  checkboxGroupInput("continent", "Select continent", 
              choices = list("Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"), 
              selected = "Africa"), 

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$gpoint <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(data = subset(gapminder, continent %in% input$continent, select = c(country:gdpPercap)), 
           # the aes() function defines aesthetics
           aes(x = year,  # x axis
               y = lifeExp, # y axis
               color = continent, # map color to continent
               size = gdpPercap)) + # map the aesthetic 'size' to gdp/pc

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 600))
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… And even a bit more


ui <- fluidPage(
  checkboxGroupInput("continent", "Select continent", 
                     choices = list("Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"), 
                     selected = "Africa"),
  sliderInput("slider", label = h3("GDP per capita"), min = 240, 
              max = 113600, value = 250), 

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$gpoint <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(data = subset(gapminder, continent %in% input$continent & 
                           gdpPercap < input$slider , select = c(country:gdpPercap)), 
           # the aes() function defines aesthetics
           aes(x = year,  # x axis
               y = lifeExp, # y axis
               color = continent, # map color to continent
               size = gdpPercap)) + # map the aesthetic 'size' to gdp/pc

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 700))
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… Let’s add a sidebar to make it look nicer!


ui <- pageWithSidebar(
    checkboxGroupInput("continent", "Select continent", 
                       choices = list("Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"), 
                       selected = "Africa"),
    sliderInput("slider", label = h3("GDP per capita"), min = 240, 
                max = 113600, value = 250)

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$gpoint <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(data = subset(gapminder, continent %in% input$continent & 
                           gdpPercap < input$slider , select = c(country:gdpPercap)), 
           # the aes() function defines aesthetics
           aes(x = year,  # x axis
               y = lifeExp, # y axis
               color = continent, # map color to continent
               size = gdpPercap)) + # map the aesthetic 'size' to gdp/pc

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 550))
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Exercise 1

Plot an interactive version of the life expectancy in African countries graph using the gapminder data and the static plot developed in Session 2 of Day 1. The interaction should allow users to select the country that they want to highlight. Some tips:

  • Which part of the static code should be reactive?
  • Which widget/s could be used to create the interaction?
  • Create a list of African countries and use it as “choice” in the widget parameters
  • Add a sidebarPanel and a mainPanel to the vizualization

Solution: code for static figure

Solution: Create interaction


gapminder_africa <- gapminder %>% 
  # filter only African countries
  filter(continent == "Africa") %>% 
  # create a categorical variable that distinguishes
  # between Rwanda and other African countries
  mutate(color_plot = ifelse(country != "Rwanda", # != = "!" + "="
                             "Other African Countries", 

africa_list <- levels(factor(gapminder_africa$country)) # create a list with African countries

ui <- pageWithSidebar(
    selectInput("country2", "Select country", 
                       choices = africa_list, # Use list of african countries as choices
                       selected = "Algeria") # Select Algeria

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$gline <- renderPlot({
    gapminder_africa <- gapminder %>% 
      # filter only African countries
      filter(continent == "Africa") %>% 
      # create a categorical variable that distinguishes
      # between Rwanda and other African countries
      mutate(color_plot = ifelse(country != input$country2, # != = "!" + "="
                                 "Selected country"))
      plot <- ggplot(gapminder_africa, 
                          aes(x = year, 
                              y = lifeExp, 
                              group = country, 
                              color = color_plot)) + 
      geom_line(aes(alpha = color_plot)) + 
      scale_alpha_discrete("", range = c(0.5, 1)) +  
      scale_color_manual("", values = c("lightgrey", "black")) + 
      # add theme
      theme_bw() + # black and white theme
      theme(legend.position = "bottom", # legend position
            panel.grid = element_blank()) # remove grid lines

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 600))
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Session 4: Basic interactive maps


world <- readShapeSpatial("./data/shapefiles/TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3.shp")

world$continent <- countrycode(world$ISO3, 
                               "iso3c", # input format
                               "continent") # output format

africa <- subset(world, continent == "Africa")

# fortify: bring dataset into shape that ggplot can understand
africa_fort <- fortify(africa, # we use the "africa" shapefile from previous slide
                       region = "ISO3") # this becomes "id" in the fortified dataset

# get gapminder data 

# create country identifier for merging
gapminder$ISO3 <- countrycode(gapminder$country, "", "iso3c")

#only year 2007
gapminder2007 <- gapminder[gapminder$year == 2007, ]

# join in gapminder data
africa_fort <- left_join(africa_fort, 
                         by = c("id" = "ISO3"))

africa_map <- ggplot() +
  geom_path(data = africa_fort,
            aes(x = long, y = lat, 
                group = group),
            color = "black")  +
  geom_map(data = africa_fort,
           aes(map_id = id,
               fill = lifeExp),
           map = africa_fort) +
  # appearance
  labs(title = "Life Expectancy in Africa, 2007\n", 
       subtitle = "Data: Gapminder\n") +
  scale_fill_distiller("Life Expectancy", 
                       palette = "RdYlGn", 
                       direction = 1) +
  coord_equal() +
  theme_void() +  
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), 
        legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.text.align = 0) 


Creating an interactive map


ui <- fluidPage(
  radioButtons("variable", "Select variable", 
                     choices = list("lifeExp", "pop", "gdpPercap"), 
               selected = "lifeExp"),


server <- function(input, output) {
  output$gmap <- renderPlot({
    world <- readShapeSpatial("./data/shapefiles/TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3.shp")
    world$continent <- countrycode(world$ISO3, 
                                   "iso3c", # input format
                                   "continent") # output format
    africa <- subset(world, continent == "Africa")
    # fortify: bring dataset into shape that ggplot can understand
    africa_fort <- fortify(africa, # we use the "africa" shapefile from previous slide
                           region = "ISO3") # this becomes "id" in the fortified dataset
    # get gapminder data 
    # create country identifier for merging
    gapminder$ISO3 <- countrycode(gapminder$country, "", "iso3c")
    #only year 2007
    gapminder2007 <- gapminder[gapminder$year == 2007, ]
    # join in gapminder data
    africa_fort <- left_join(africa_fort, 
                             by = c("id" = "ISO3"))
    #Create reactive variable
    africa_fort$var <- africa_fort[,input$variable]
    africa_map <- ggplot() +
      geom_path(data = africa_fort,
                aes(x = long, y = lat, 
                    group = group),
                color = "black")  +
      geom_map(data = africa_fort,
               aes(map_id = id,
                   fill = var),
               map = africa_fort) +
      # appearance
      labs(title = "", 
           subtitle = "") +
                           palette = "RdYlGn", 
                           direction = 1) +
      coord_equal() +
      theme_void() +  
      theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), 
            legend.position = "bottom",
            legend.text.align = 0) 

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 700))
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Exercise 2

Plot an interactive vizualization in which not only the user can select the variable AND the year that should be plotted. The app layout should include also a sidebar and a mainpanel. Steps:

  1. Create a ui with a sidebar and a mainpanel
  2. Create two widgets in the ui (one for the variable and one for the years)
  3. Create a reactive expression to subset the data: (1) select year and (2) select variable
  4. Create map in server
  5. Call shiny fuction


ui <- pageWithSidebar(
  headerPanel("Select options"),
    radioButtons("variable", "Select variable", 
                 choices = list("Life expectancy" = "lifeExp", "Population" = "pop", 
                                "GDP per capita" = "gdpPercap"), 
                 selected = "lifeExp"),
    radioButtons("year", label = "Select year",
                 choices = list("1952", "1957", "1962", "1967", 
                                "1972", "1977", "1982", "1987",
                                "1992", "1997", "2002", "2007"), 
                 selected = "1952")

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$gmap <- renderPlot({
    world <- readShapeSpatial("./data/shapefiles/TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3.shp")
    world$continent <- countrycode(world$ISO3, 
                                   "iso3c", # input format
                                   "continent") # output format
    africa <- subset(world, continent == "Africa")
    # fortify: bring dataset into shape that ggplot can understand
    africa_fort <- fortify(africa, # we use the "africa" shapefile from previous slide
                           region = "ISO3") # this becomes "id" in the fortified dataset
    # get gapminder data 
    # create country identifier for merging
    gapminder$ISO3 <- countrycode(gapminder$country, "", "iso3c")
    #only year
    gapminder_year <- gapminder[gapminder$year == input$year, ]
    # join in gapminder data
    africa_fort <- left_join(africa_fort, 
                             by = c("id" = "ISO3"))
    #Create reactive variable
    africa_fort$var <- africa_fort[,input$variable]
    africa_map <- ggplot() +
      geom_path(data = africa_fort,
                aes(x = long, y = lat, 
                    group = group),
                color = "gray")  +
      geom_map(data = africa_fort,
               aes(map_id = id,
                   fill = var),
               map = africa_fort) +
      # appearance
      labs(title = "", 
           subtitle = "") +
                           palette = "RdYlGn", 
                           direction = 1) +
      coord_equal() +
      theme_void() +  
      theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), 
            legend.position = "bottom",
            legend.text.align = 0) 

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 700))
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Session 5: Deploying and sharing apps

Main steps for building an app

  1. Set main goal for the app
  2. Install R Studio and necessary packages (e.g. shiny)
  3. Select visualization
  4. Prepare the data accordignly
  5. Code the app 6. Deploy and share the app

Deploying and sharing the app

Every shiny app is maintained by a computer running R
How to save it:

  • app.R
  • datasets, images, css, helper scripts, etc.

Deploying and sharing the app


  • Free
  • Secure
  • Scalable

Sharing in your website via iframe

GIGA 2018

GIGA 2018

Other sharing options

  • R Markdown
  • R Shiny presentations
